On Monday November 19, 2012 Stella entered the world. She was born at 12:09 pm weighed 6lbs. 12oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. She is absolutely perfect! My labor and delivery went wonderful and we are so happy to have her in our family. Joshy came to visit us at the hospital and he was hesitant at first but since we have been home he LOVES her! He always gives her kisses, rubs her head, burps her, and always points and says BABY SHH because she is always sleeping. She is the sweetest little angel and I feel so blessed to have a wonderful handsome boy and precious baby girl. Josh and I are in heaven at our house. We couldn't be happier!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Past Few Months
It has been a while since I have updated. The holidays are here and it's the best time of year for many reasons. We have had lots of birthday parties, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Joshy was spiderman for halloween and we went trick or treating with him and he had a blast! He loves chocolate so you can only imagine how excited he was to get so much of it. My sister in laws, sister, and mom planned a surprise baby shower for me at La Jolla Groves restaurant. I walked in and was TOTALLY SHOCKED and definitely did not see that coming. It was by far one of the best surprises ever. The theme was a hot air balloon theme. I got tons of adorable girl things and it was so much fun. Then we had Thanksgiving in Utah with the Bell Family and it was so much fun to be together as a family and hang out. We are so blessed and grateful for such wonderful family.
Monday, September 10, 2012
18 Months
Joshy went to his 18 month check up and he screamed and screamed when they had to check him. He now realizes that the doctor is not fun and he doesn't have control on what goes on while he is in there. The good this is that he is one healthy boy!! He is growing up way too fast!
Weight: 27.5 lbs.= 90%
Height: 33 in.= 70%
Monday, August 20, 2012
Summer Has Come and Gone.
I can't believe this summer is almost over. It has gone by so fast! We lived in Arkansas for a few months for Josh's job and we loved it. It was super hot and humid but we had a really nice pool at our apartment complex that we went to everyday. Joshy finally learned how to walk in that apartment at 15 months old. He has grown up so much this summer and it makes me so sad how fast time is going. Then Joshy and I went to Minnesota for a month to spend time with my parents and it was so much fun. Josh came to visit for a week which was so nice because he got to play in a gold tournament with all of his brother in laws. They has such a blast competing against each other. Then Josh had to go back to Arkansas and work but it is worth it in the end because we get to spend tons and tons of time with each other when the summer is over. While we were in Minnesota Joshy loved driving the boat, playing in the lake, roaming around on the pontoon boat, playing with his cousins, and getting to know grandma and grandpa really well. One day we went to the petting zoo and he had the time of his life. He loved petting all of the animals especially the pony, baby bunnies, and of course the dog. Joshy is really obsessed with dogs right now. Every time he sees a dog he yells "gog gog gog" its the cutest thing. He has learned so much this summer since being with his older cousins. He is such a boy because all he wants to do is wrestle with someone, he runs everywhere and runs into things and he waves to every person in sight and says hiiiiii really loud. He talks all the time and repeats ANYTHING and I mean anything anyone says. His favorite words (translations) right now are more (mo mo) he also has to do the sign language for more, binki (binks) dog (gog) ball (baba) thank you (ta tu) papa, help (up) and of course MOM! I love watching his vocabulary grow. It's amazing how much he really listens and tries to communicate back to me. I wish I could freeze this darling age forever. We are so excited to get ready for Fall and prepare for Baby Girl to come! This summer has been so wonderful and can't wait til next year.
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